The board of education believes that the school's primary goal is to educate, not discipline. However, when the behavior of an individual student interferes with the rights of others, corrective action may be necessary for the benefit of the individual as well as the school. A student who has been suspended for a violent offense directed towards a teacher shall not be allowed to return to that teacher’s classroom without the approval of that teacher.
Oklahoma Law, Title 70, Section 6-114, provides teachers with the same rights as parents to control and discipline school children in accordance with local school policies. The following schedule of infractions is provided as an aid to teachers in exercising control and discipline of students. The schedule is not intended to include all possible infractions. Therefore, behavior that is not included in the following schedule may warrant appropriate disciplinary measures. The following schedule shall not be used in determining discipline for any child on an IEP or Section 504 plan until such time as the student’s IEP team has determined that the infraction is in no way a manifestation of that student’s disability.
Infractions Minimum Action < > Maximum Action
1. Unexcused tardiness ---- Refer to Attendance Policy ----
2. Disruption of class or assembly School Conference Parent Conference Suspension
3. Lunchroom misconduct School Conference Parent Conference Suspension
4. Bus/playground misconduct ---- Refer to Bus Conduct Policy ----
5. Negligence in completing classwork School Conference Parent Conference Suspension
6. Cutting class ---- Refer to Attendance Policy ----
7. Leaving school without permission ---- Refer to Leaving School Grounds (Closed Campus) Policy ----
8. Truancy ---- Refer to Attendance Policy ----
9. Tobacco on school grounds School Conference Parent Conference Suspension 1
10. Drugs or Alcohol possession Parent Conference Suspension 1, 2
11. Gambling School Conference Parent Conference Suspension
12. Theft Parent Conference Suspension 1, 2
13. Assault-physical or verbal Parent Conference Suspension 1, 2
14. Fighting Parent Conference Suspension
15. Destruction of property, vandalism Parent Conference Suspension 1, 2
16. Threats/Harassment School Conference Parent Conference Suspension 2
17. Extortion School Conference Suspension 1, 2
18. Refusal to obey school officials School Conference Parent Conference Suspension
19. Possession of weapons or other items with the potential to cause harm Suspension 2
1. May require counseling and rehabilitative efforts before reinstated in school programs
2. May require notification of legal authorities
Other possible corrective actions include warning students that continued infraction may result in more severe consequences, removing students from class, before or after school detention, alternative placements, financial restitution, if necessary, and referral to social agencies, if appropriate. The administration may impose punishment that would prevent a student from participation in and attendance at extracurricular activities. In addition, student discipline consequences may include an inability to participate in the graduation ceremony, prom, prom activities, school dances, and/or a class trip.
Suspension alternatives may include in-house suspension or out-of-school suspension. Refer to the Suspension Policy (see policy FOD) for requirements for short-term suspensions (1-10 days) and long term suspensions (11 or more days).
The board of education is deeply interested in creating the best learning atmosphere possible in our school. The board appreciates the cooperative attitudes of the vast majority of our students. It is important that our school atmosphere allow cooperative students to pursue their education free from distractions. Maintaining order necessitates regulations relating to school discipline.
It is recommended that parents be involved at each level. The administration of Tannehill Public Schools reserves the right to delete, change, or add to any area of the disciplinary action which Play include suspension or expulsion from school:
The following is a list of some of the disciplinary actions which school administrators can impose for violation of the handbook of Tannehill elementary school. The order in which this list is written is not sequential, but options from which the school administrator may choose. The school administrator choice is not limited to this list alone. The circumstances of the event may dictate an enlisted option.
1. In school suspension (I.S.S.)
2. Verbal or documented warning
3. Contract or action plan
4. Activity suspension
5. Transportation suspension
6. Special parent conference
7. Probation period
8. Faculty conference
9. Suspension
10. Expulsion
11. Restitution
12. Involvement of law enforcement
13. Parent shadowing
14. After, during or before school detention
15. Loss of privilege
16. Removal from class or group (temporarily or permanently)
17. Confiscation or temporary holding of property
18. Referral to other juvenile, social, or educational agencies
19. Any other disciplinary action deemed appropriate under the circumstances
Discipline Ladder for Major Offenses
For students and parents to better understand discipline concerning infractions at school, we have come up with the following discipline ladder system. The major ladder infractions are as follows:
1. Bullying
2. Fighting
3. Threatening - verbal or written with intent
4. Theft/stealing
5. Gang related activities, material, sign, action, etc.
6. Disrespect for a teacher or other staff member - sass, back talk, discrediting, refusing to do as the teacher asks
in regard to behavior in class, etc.
7. Possession or use of a dangerous weapon
8. Possession or use of drugs or paraphernalia - pipes, rollers, bongs, roach clips, etc.
9. Bomb threats or false FIRE ALARM.
Any of the infractions listed can carry an alternative or lesser disciplinary action at the discretion of the principal. If a student cannot receive the discipline from the school, the parents will come and take their child from school at that time. Discipline will revert to an out of school suspension equal to the number listed for that infraction. If the parent/guardian does not agree, they may request a hearing with the superintendent or school. If they still disagree, they may request a hearing with the board of education. Students suspended from school may make up work. Should they not make it up in one or two days, zeros will be recorded for the missing work.
After school detention begins 10 minutes after school is let out. This detention must be arranged with the principal. Once arranged, students not attending will earn suspension from school.
Verbal Assault on a teacher or Other Staff Member
1st Offense: The student will be suspended for three days.
2nd Offense: The student will be suspended for five days.
Any additional offense - the student will be expelled for the rest of the semester and an additional semester.
Vandalism of school or staff property
1st Offense: Restitution and clean up of the vandalism
2nd Offense: Five day suspension, restitution, and clean up of vandalism. This event counts as a step on the major
ladder of discipline.
3rd Offense: Suspension for the remainder of the school year.
The school will prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.
NOTE: Any painting or writing on desks, walls, chairs, dividers, or any other property of Tannehill Public Schools or the staff will be considered vandalism. Any destruction of or damage to any school or staff property will be considered vandalism.
For students and parents to better understand discipline concerning infractions at school, we have come up with the following discipline procedure. The infractions are as follows:
1. Fighting (on October 13, 1997, the board made fighting a 3-day suspension).
A person or persons that are fighting during school hours or at school functions will receive an automatic 3 days suspension. Consideration will be made if there is a clear cut person that starts the fight the 2nd party decides to fight back the 2nd party will be given 3 days suspension. If only one person is doing the physical violence then only that person will be suspended and disciplined. If excessive, this could be considered assault and be dealt with under the assault provision of the handbook.
2. Threatening (Verbal or Written)
3. Truancy
4. Disrespect for teachers or other staff. This includes back talk, discrediting the teacher, refusing to do as the
teacher asks in regard to behavior in class.
5. Tobacco use
6. Theft
7. Possession of Drug Paraphernalia (pipes, roach clips, etc.)
8. Gang related Materials
9. Driving Violations
Five infractions of school rule that involve disciplinary action in the principal's office.
If a student cannot receive discipline from the school the parents will be notified to come and take their child at that time. Discipline will revert to an out of school suspension equal to the infraction. Example: 2 days of I.S.D. equals
2 days of suspension. If the parent or guardian does not agree with the discipline, they will be given due process and those rights explained by the principal. Under state law suspensions not exceeding five days in length do not require an education plan, which means that the student can be given zeros for the course work missed while suspended.
NOTE: All work assigned for a student the day they are in I.S.D. will be due at the end of the day and turned in to the principal at the end of the day, before the student leaves school.
Insubordination and Misinformation
Insubordination - A student found to be disobedient to the authority of school personnel and/or failing to follow the directive of the personnel without just cause as determined by the principal, shall be subject to the following discipline:
1st offense: Lunch detention/noon campusing or I.S.D. per the circumstances.
Subsequent Offenses: I.S.D. or out of school suspension per the circumstances.
Misinformation - Willfully giving information by commission (lying), or omission (Misinforming by remaining silent)
1st offense: Lunch detention/noon campusing or I.S.D. per circumstances.
Subsequent Offenses: I.S.D. or out of school suspension per the circumstances.
Verbal Assault on a Teacher or Other Staff Member
1st Offense: The first time a student verbally assaults a teacher or staff the student shall be suspended from school for five days.
2nd Offense: The second time a student verbally assaults a teacher or staff member, the student shall be suspended for the remainder of the current semester and/or two consecutive semesters.
After School Detention
After school detention will be for a one-hour period beginning five minutes after school has been dismissed. Students failing to attend detention will be given one day of I.S.D. The principal may add additional time to the detention period if he deems this appropriate for correction of misbehavior. A student may opt. for 1 day I.S.D. instead of detention.