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School Board

Tannehill School Board of Education 2022-2023

School Board President:  Dave Cuenod
School Board Members Dave Cuenod, Greg Vaughan, and Hilary Steele.                  


Jonathan Booth


Contact Information

Tannehill School

9283 Tannehill Road

McAlester, Oklahoma 74501

Phone: 918-423-6393











School Board Clerk:  shirley ross


School Board Member:  Billy Freeburg



A. Regular meetings of the Board of Education shall be held at a specified time each month (See listing of regular scheduled meetings below). Special meetings shall be held at such time as the majority of the board agree upon and designate. No official business shall be transacted by the members except in a regular or special meeting.

B. All meetings of the Board of Education shall be open to the public and conducted in compliance with the “Open Meeting Act” Title 25, Oklahoma Statutes §§ 301-314.

C. Meetings shall be held in the school library, unless otherwise agreed upon

D. Hearing of the Public: The board wishes to hear the viewpoints of citizens throughout the district and considers the responsible presentation of these viewpoints vital to the efficient operation of the school system. The board also recognizes its responsibility for the proper governance of the school and the need to conduct its business in an orderly and efficient manner. The board therefore, directs the superintendent to establish procedures providing for limited participation at school board meetings for the citizens of this district.


Procedures for Public Participation at Meetings of the School Board


  1. Any individual wishing to address the board of education shall communicate such wish to the superintendent by letter. The letter must state the nature of the matter to be discussed, the full name of the person making the request, and what is expected from the board. The letter must be received by the superintendent at least 72 hours prior to the next regularly scheduled meeting in order to be placed on the agenda. The superintendent must inform the board  president of any individual or organization denied the opportunity to address the board of education.
  2. The board clerk shall ask all visitors to list their names in the visitor’s register.
  3. Board members and administrative staff will not respond to questions from the public at the board meeting. Proper questions from members of the public may be referred to the superintendent for later report to the board. The board will not, in most instances, be able to vote on matters brought forward by the public during public participation time if such matters are not specific agenda items. Such items may be placed on the agenda for the next meeting.
  4. The president of the board shall recognize speakers, maintain proper order, and adhere to time limits, if any established by the board. Specifically, the president may require all proponents of one side of an issue to elect one spokesperson. Repetitive comments by consecutive individuals will not be allowed.
  5. Members of the public shall not be recognized while the board is conducting its official business.