In accordance with the policy of the board of education, the following shall govern student attendance:
1. School Activity: These are extracurricular activities, whether sponsored by the school or outside agency, which removes the student from class more than half of a class period.
2. The total number of student activity absences allowed from any one class period, without permission from the Internal Review Committee and approved by the board, shall be 10.
3. Once a student has had 10 activity absences from any one class period, the student must be reported to the principal's office for consideration for further absences.
The Internal Review Committee shall be appointed by the board of education.
The criterion for continuing beyond the 10 day absence limit shall be as follows:
A. A student must have a letter grade of a "C" or better in the subject he/she wants to miss.
B. Before a student is given permission to be absent beyond the 10 day limit, even though having a "C" or better, the student’s record must show that the grade was not adversely affected by the previous 10 days of absence and the student has turned in all required work missed on previous days out.
The policy of the board of education does not set a maximum number of absences to be allowed per student. However, unreasonable request upon the committee for exemptions will not be considered.
Teachers shall have the following responsibilities:
1. Keep a record of all absences but distinguish between student activity absences and regular absences.
2. When a student has accumulated eight student activity absences, advise the student and note it in the grade or plan book.
3. When a student has obtained 10 activity absences, the student's name is to be submitted to the principal.
4. Each teacher who anticipates requesting students to be taken out of the classroom for any extracurricular activity should file an activity calendar stating the probable dates.
Activities excluded from the 10 day rule are:
Class meetings, assemblies, field trips involving the class period only, and others such as State and National levels of school-sponsored contests.
The board of education shall review annually the activity calendar.