It is the policy of the Tannehill Board of Education that children who are at least four (4) years of age but not more than five (5) years of age on or before September 1 and have not attended a public school kindergarten may be enrolled in either a half-day or full-day non-compulsory, early childhood program free of charge. No child shall be enrolled in Kindergarten unless the child has reached five years of age on or before the first day of September of the year the child intends to enroll. No child shall be enrolled in the first grade unless the child will have reached the age of six (6) on or before September 1 of the school year. Age may be verified by a birth certificate, parent's statement, a physician's statement, or previous educational records.
The superintendent or designee will be responsible for the receipt of all applications for admission, the conduct of registration procedures, and for certification that all admission requirements and prerequisites have been properly met by the student. Placement in a specific class or grade level will be based on administrative determination.
All children between the ages of 5 and 21 on or before September 1 who reside within this school district are entitled to attend public school regardless of nationality or citizenship provided other age and residence requirements are met. Maximum age to which students may attend school tuition-free is twenty-one except that any person between the ages of 21 and 26 may attend school if it was impossible for the person to have finished the twelfth grade before the age of 21. Such person must show an inability to attend school for definite periods of time because of a physical disability or service in the armed services.
Termination of attendance before graduation from high school or before reaching the age of eighteen may be permitted by mutual consent of the superintendent and the parent, legal custodian, or legal guardian of the student.
A student who has been suspended out-of-school from a public or private school in the State of Oklahoma or another state for a violent act or an act showing deliberate or reckless disregard for the health or safety of faculty or other students shall not be entitled to enroll in this school district until the terms of the suspension have been met or the time of suspension has expired.
This district shall not provide education services in the regular school setting to any student who has been removed from any public or private school in Oklahoma or any other state until the district determines that the student no longer poses a threat to himself or others.
The district may consider providing alternative educational services such as home-based instruction. If the student is on an individualized education plan (IEP), education services will be provided according to that plan.
REFERENCE: 70 O.S. §1-114
70 O.S. §5-132
70 O.S. §18-108, §18-111