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In accordance with the policy of the board of education, these procedures shall be followed in the event of a bomb threat communicated to any employee or student of the public schools.


In the event that you receive a telephoned bomb threat, try to remain calm - do not manifest fear.  If not placed in immediate danger, attempt to safely follow the following procedure.  The attached form (see CKCB-E) should be located near each telephone and be accessible to each user.  Have the form before you as you talk.  Try to keep the caller as occupied as possible.  Keep the caller talking as long as you can.  In addi­tion to the information on the form, ask for the caller's name; where the caller is calling from; why the caller wants to blow up the building; where the bomb is located; how and when the bomb is set to explode.


When the caller hangs up, notify immediately the following persons.  Do not discuss the call with anyone else.


   1.       Fire department and police department.


   2.       Principal.


   3.       Superintendent, Assistant Superintendent, or designee.