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The School District will conduct ten (10) safety drills each school year.  The Superintendent shall be responsible for ensuring that all ten (10) drills have been appropriately conducted at each school site within the school district.  It shall be the duty of the site principal, under the direction of the superintendent, to conform to the written plans and procedures adopted by the school district.  All students and teachers shall participate in the safety drills.  The extent of student involvement in intruder drills shall be determined by the superintendent in consultation with the building principal.   The ten (10) drills shall consist of the following:


  1. Security drills.  A minimum of four (4) security lockdown drills shall be conducted at each site within the school district each school year.  No security drill can be conducted at the same time of day as a previous security drill in the same school year, and no more than two drills shall be conducted in the same semester.  One security drill shall be conducted within the first fifteen (15) days of each semester.  Security  drills shall be conducted for the purpose of securing school buildings to prevent or mitigate injuries or deaths that may result from a threat around or in the school. 


  2. Fire drills.  Each site school shall conduct a minimum of two (2) fire drills per school year.  Each fire drill shall be conducted within the first fifteen (15) days of each semester.  The fire drills shall include the sounding of a distinctive audible signal designated as the fire alarm signal. 


  3. Tornado drills.  Each school site shall conduct a minimum of two (2) tornado drills per school year.  Tornado drills are required to be conducted in the months of September and March.


  4. Safety drills.  Each school site shall conduct a minimum of two (2) safety drills per year that can consist of any of the aforementioned drills. 


    Documentation of completion of the drills shall be maintained. Records for each fire drill shall be preserved in writing for at least three years and made available to the State Fire Marshal or the marshal's agent upon request.  The school district shall document all other safety drills in writing and by school site with a copy of the report remaining at the school, a copy filed with the district administrative office, and a copy with the Oklahoma School Security Institute. 





REFERENCE:    70 O.S. § 5-148

                                70 O.S. § 5-149









*Evacuation of the building to various safe locations in a random order is preferred so that anyone threatening harm will not have prior knowledge of the evacuation route and safe areas.