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Name of Superintendent _____________________________________________ Date_____________________


All items rated with a “1” require additional explanation.  The reverse side of the page may be used for explanations and additional comments.  The school board is no longer required to have any of the items marked with an asterisk in the evaluation instrument.  Each board of education should carefully review this document to determine which items the board wishes to utilize in the evaluation of the performance of the Superintendent.  The board of education is certainly free to adopt any or none of the items enumerated below. 


                          3 - Commendable               2 - Meets Expectations                       1 - Needs Improvement

ADMINISTRATION                                                                                                                                                        3    2    1


   1.       The superintendent exhibits strong educational leadership, develops a strong management team,

              and delegates responsibility.                                                                                                                                                 


   2.       The superintendent achieves the board's goals and policies successfully             .                               ___________


   3.       The superintendent employs a team effort in analyzing, planning, implementing, and

              evaluating policies, programs, and personnel.                                                                                           __________


   4.       The superintendent recommends for employment personnel who have proper certification and

              skills for the position.                                                                                                                                      ___________


   5.       The superintendent organizes the roles and responsibilities of staff members so as to optimize

              their effectiveness and to encourage harmonious relationships among various segments of the

              school system.                                                                                                                                                                         


   6.       The superintendent provides to the board and the general public an organized and informative

          annual report on the state of the district.                                                                                                    __________


   7.       The superintendent maintains communications with state and federal legislators, as well as

              other outside agencies, in efforts to accomplish legislation needed for school improvement.         __________


   8.       Discipline – The superintendent works with staff to develop and communicate defined

              standards of conduct which encourage positive and productive behavior. *                                      __________


   9.       The superintendent provides written discipline policies to which students are expected

              to perform. *                                                                                                                                                     __________


10.       Learning Environment – The superintendent establishes and maintains rapport with staff

              and students, providing a pleasant, safe and orderly climate for learning. *                                       __________






                                                                                                                                                            Rating for this Category







In the area of administration, what is the superintendent’s strongest asset?________________________________



What specific area could be most improved?_______________________________________________________




                          3 - Commendable               2 - Meets Expectations                       1 - Needs Improvement


INSTRUCTION                                                                                                                                                                 3    2    1


   1.       The superintendent identifies and facilitates instruction and student achievement as the focal     __________


   2.       The superintendent identifies instructional objectives for students and implements programs

              to meet their diverse needs.                                                                                                                                                  


   3.       The superintendent maintains a working knowledge of current educational research, reports,

              and useful new concepts and shares that information with the board.                                                                       


   4.       The superintendent keeps the board informed of the analysis, planning, implementation,

              and evaluation of instructional activities.                                                                                                                         


   5.       The superintendent keeps the community informed about the program of instruction and

              plans for school improvement.                                                                                                                                            






                                                                                                                                                            Rating for this Category


In the area of instruction, what is the superintendent’s strongest asset?____________________________________



What specific area could be most improved?_______________________________________________________




                          3 - Commendable               2 - Meets Expectations                       1 - Needs Improvement


RELATIONSHIP WITH THE BOARD                                                                                                                        3    2    1


   1.       The superintendent works with the board in analyzing, planning, implementing,

              and evaluating policies.                                                                                                                                                         







   2.       The superintendent informs the board about issues, operations, the instructional program,

              and needs of the school system.                                                                                                                                          


   3.       The superintendent informs the board about educational activities at the state and national



   4.       The superintendent maintains a harmonious working and professional relationship with

              members of the board.                                                                                                                                                          


   5.       The superintendent interprets and supports board policy and decisions to the public and staff.                           


   6.       The superintendent provides board members with reports and information that will enable

              them to sufficiently review the operations of the district.                                                                                               


   7.       The superintendent gives constructive advice and guidance to the board regarding

              opportunities for district improvement.                                                                                                                              


   8.       The superintendent states his/her convictions in matters before the board.                                                               


   9.       The superintendent utilizes the strengths of individual board members and the board itself

              in the decision-making process.                                                                                                                                           


10.       The superintendent offers professional advice to the board on items requiring board action,

              with appropriate recommendations based on thorough study and analysis.                                                             






                                                                                                                                                            Rating for this Category


In the area of board relationships, what is the superintendent’s strongest asset?_____________________________



What specific area could be most improved?_______________________________________________________




                          3 - Commendable               2 - Meets Expectations                       1 - Needs Improvement


RELATIONSHIP WITH THE STAFF                                                                                                                          3    2    1


   1.       The superintendent encourages the participation of faculty and staff in the establishment and

              implementation of district-wide goals, objectives, and programs.                                                                                







   2.       The superintendent promotes programs for staff growth and development.                                                             


   3.       The superintendent strives to maintain positive morale by:


             A.   Avoiding arbitrary decision-making and favoritism;                                                                       __________


             B.   Offering fair and impartial treatment to all parties to a dispute; and                                           __________


             C.   Granting recognition and appreciation for a job well done.                                                            __________


   4.       The superintendent instills confidence and self-respect among staff.                                                   __________


   5.       The superintendent meets and confers with employee groups and represents the interests

              and directives of the board.                                                                                                                                                  


   6.       The superintendent effectively communicates the concerns of employee groups to the board

              and board responses to these concerns to employee groups.                                                                                         






                                                                                                                                                            Rating for this Category


In the area of staff relationships, what is the superintendent’s strongest asset?______________________________



What specific area could be most improved?_______________________________________________________




                          3 - Commendable               2 - Meets Expectations                       1 - Needs Improvement


RELATIONSHIP WITH THE COMMUNITY                                                                                                            3    2    1


   1.       The superintendent facilitates communication within the community through an effective

              public information program based on the needs and successes of the district.                                                          


   2.       The superintendent seeks meaningful community involvement in the establishment,

               implementation, and evaluation of district-wide goals, objectives, priorities, and programs.                                


   3.       The superintendent develops and maintains a cooperative relationship with the news media.                              


   4.       The superintendent establishes a procedure for investigating and responding on complaints,

              criticisms, and concerns of individuals and/or the community.                                                                                    






   5.       The superintendent is actively involved in the community.                                                                                           


   6.       The superintendent maintains a professional posture with other public officials and

              community leaders.                                                                                                                                                               


   7.       The superintendent has the ability to face controversy and work through it effectively.                                        


   8.       The superintendent understands and responds to the unique and changing needs of the



   9.       The superintendent solicits and considers input from interested groups and individuals in

              the decision-making process.                                                                                                                                               






                                                                                                                                                            Rating for this Category


In the area of community relationships, what is the superintendent’s strongest asset?_________________________



What specific area could be most improved?_______________________________________________________




                          3 - Commendable               2 - Meets Expectations                       1 - Needs Improvement


PERSONAL QUALITIES                                                                                                                                                3    2    1


   1.       The superintendent defends professional principle and conviction in the face of pressure

              and partisan influence, yet is able to reasonably compromise.                                                                                     


   2.       The superintendent maintains high standards of ethics, honesty, and integrity in all matters.                               


   3.       The superintendent uses grammar effectively in dealing with staff members, the board, and

              the public.                                                                                                                                                                                


   4.       The superintendent employs strong speaking skills before large and small groups,

              expressing ideas in a logical and forthright manner.                                                                                                        


   5.       The superintendent accepts and shares failure as well as success.                                                                               







   6.       The superintendent is able to identify and discuss his/her own strengths and weaknesses.                                     


   7.       The superintendent welcomes questions and open discussion when presenting ideas.                                             


   8.       The superintendent exercises good judgment and involves others as appropriate in the

              decision-making process.                                                                                                                                                      


   9.       The superintendent maintains a balance of professional development by reading, attending

              conferences, working on professional committees, visiting other districts, and meeting with

              other superintendents.                                                                                                                                                           


10.       The superintendent plans time effectively so that matters of greatest importance are dealt with







                                                                                                                                                            Rating for this Category


In the area of personal qualities, what is the superintendent’s strongest asset?______________________________



What specific area could be most improved?_______________________________________________________




                          3 - Commendable               2 - Meets Expectations                       1 - Needs Improvement


FINANCIAL                                                                                                                                                                      3    2    1


   1.       The superintendent keeps informed of the needs of the school program--supplies, equipment,

              plant, and facilities.                                                                                                                                                                


   2.       The superintendent assumes responsibility for the overall financial planning of the district,

              including short-term priorities and long-range planning.                                                                                                 


   3.       The superintendent coordinates the preparation of the annual budget utilizing teacher and staff

              input and submits the budget to the board for input and approval.                                                                             


   4.       The superintendent evaluates the district’s financial needs and makes timely recommendations

              for adequate funding.                                                                                                                                                            






   5.       The superintendent ensures that funds are spent and invested wisely and that adequate

              controls and accounting are achieved.                                                                                                                               


   6.       The superintendent provides leadership in solving major problems and achieving maximum

              utilization of resources.                                                                                                                                                         






                                                                                                                                                            Rating for this Category


In the area of finances, what is the superintendent’s strongest asset?_____________________________________



What specific area could be most improved?_______________________________________________________












Signed:            ___________________________

                            President of the Board





