The Tannehill Board of Education will be guided by the following Code of Ethics,
As a member of the board of education I will:
1. Remember always that my first and greatest concern must be the educational welfare of all students attending school in our district, and ensuring that they have the opportunity to reach their highest potential;
2. Strive to improve boardsmanship by studying educational issues and participating in board training opportunities;
3. Respect and obey the laws of Oklahoma and the United States, working to bring about desired changes through policies adopted by the board of education and through legal and ethical procedures;
4. Formulate legislative goals, policies, and strategic plans for the district, delegating to administrators the administrative functions of the school(s);
5. Recognize that I, as an individual board member, have no legal authority outside the meeting of the board and will take no private action that will compromise the board or administration;
6. Refrain from local board actions locally that would substantially interfere with or injure the program of education elsewhere;
7. Make every effort to be prepared, punctual, and in attendance at every board meeting;
8. Respect the confidentiality of privileged information and refrain from disclosing information that may be injurious to individuals or the school(s);
9. Encourage the free expression of opinion by all board members and staff, seeking systematic communications between board members and the public inside and outside the school district;
10. Be committed to promoting a cooperative atmosphere in order for the board to effectively serve the students;
11. Recognize and reward excellence in student achievement, teacher performance, and administrative leadership;
12. Refrain from using my board position for personal or partisan gain.